Bilingual Program

Global classroom 2019/20

Durante este curso y debido a la Covid 19 se han suspendido parte de las actividades preparadas para los alumnos. Afortunadamente se pudo participar en Global Classroom como se venía haciendo en cursos anteriores.

En el CRIF Las Acacias de Vista Alegre, alumnos de 3º de la ESO de varios institutos bilingües de la Comunidad de Madrid han participado en los debates de la fase preliminar del programa Global Classrooms.

Los alumnos seleccionados en nuestro centro para participar fueron María Aranda, Carolina Benito, Andrea George, Nuria Lacoma, Eva Martín, David Modroño, David Muñoz, Asier Santamaría, Inés Santamaría y Nadia Valero. De entre ellos, Carolina Benito y David Muñoz recibieron una mención especial.

A continuación incluimos una muestra gráfica del estupendo trabajo realizado y por el que damos la enhorabuena a los alumnos, a los profesores participantes y, en especial, a la coordinadora del proyecto bilingüe. Esperamos que os guste.

Y por último, la mención especial y la alegría de los participantes.

¡¡Enhorabuena a todos!!

Pozuelo de Alarcón, 1 de septiembre de 2020

Bilingual festival 2018/19

Bilingual Festival 2019 Program


Some photos and videos to remember the festival.
Rehearsal before the performance.
First level of ESO

Second level of ESO.

Third level of ESO.

Performance: wellcome and presentation

First level of ESO

Pozuelo de Alarcón, 7 de julio de 2019

Global Classroom 2018/19

Entre los días 21 y 28 de Enero, en el CRIF Las Acacias de Vista Alegre, alumnos de 3º de la ESO de 113 Institutos bilingües de la Comunidad de Madrid han participado en los debates de la fase preliminar del programa GLOBAL CLASSROOMS.

Este programa es una iniciativa internacional patrocinada por Naciones Unidas que se realiza en los institutos bilingües de Madrid bajo la dirección de  la Consejería de Educación y la Comisión Fullbright. Su objetivo principal es proporcionar un mayor conocimiento de los grandes asuntos globales que afectan a las personas y al planeta  y practicar en ingles destrezas  tan importantes como investigar en distintas fuentes, trabajar en equipo, debatir en público, etc. 

Este curso nuestro centro ha tomado parte en Global Classrooms por primera vez.  Durante el primer trimestre todos  alumnos de Sección de 3º ESO estuvieron  trabajando sobre el tema de la violencia juvenil- tema asignado este año-  en diferentes países del mundo,  dirigidos  por nuestro auxiliar Fulbright y los profesores de Inglés y Geografía e Historia.   Este trabajo culminó en una conferencia a nivel de centro que se realizó en el auditorio de la Escuela de Música el día 4 de diciembre. Tras ella,  10 alumnos fueron seleccionados por su capacidad y trabajo para representar al centro en las conferencias de Madrid: Amaya Obreo, Matilde Anaya, Sofía Juzgado, Calvin Reid y Carmen Medina de E3A; y Mara Medina, David Pulido, Patricia González Piquero, Andrés de Miguel y Blanca López Martín de E3B.  Como auténticos delegados de la ONU han representado en parejas a  sus países: Grecia, Turquía, México, Pakistán y Estados Unidos. A lo largo de la sesiones, hicieron sus discursos de apertura, participaron en los debates defendiendo sus posturas y escuchando las de otras delegaciones para finalmente redactar resoluciones definitivas y concluir la conferencia votando una resolución conjunta.

El programa de Global Classroom es excelente y la experiencia educativa ha sido enormemente rica y positiva. Los alumnos han sido los protagonistas de su aprendizaje y nadie mejor que ellos para describirla. 

 “I really enjoyed Global Classrooms and I feel lucky to have stayed in this competition for so long. You really learn a lot and meet great people from other schools. You have to work really hard on your English writing and speaking because everyone is just as good as you.” (Calvin E3A)

“We had a really good time and we enjoyed the experience very much. People were very nice and we made some friends. It was much better than we expected. Everyone was extremely well prepared. We want to recommend something to future participants: don’t get stressed and enjoy the experience. Also getting prepared for the conference was hard work but fun work. Teachers supported us a lot and we are very grateful.” (Carmen y Amaya E3A)

 “Global  Classroom was a great experience. I learned many things about how to debate and also learned a lot about countries. Thanks to GC I know how to research and write good essays. I also met many great people.” (Sofía E3A)


“The opportunity to participate in the Global Classrooms program has been an experience I will remember all my life. There are many reasons that have made this incredible experience.

Firstly, on a personal level, it has made me think and grow about my perception of society and the problems faced by people in different countries. For example, the fact of knowing more about the problems faced by other children around the world and that all countries try to take measures to solve it.

Secondly, at the school level, Global Classrooms has helped me improve my English a lot and increase my ability to speak in public. It has helped me to lose the fear of defending my ideas in front of other classmates. Another aspect of improving my school level is that I have learned to listen carefully when other people present their ideas.

Thirdly, on a personal level, the project has allowed me to work together with one of my best friends. We have been able to do the work together and we have known each other much more. I have also been able to meet other guys like me from other high schools and I have noticed that there are very good people in other places and have a very high level.

Finally, I am very proud of my school, my teachers, my partners, my assistant and the Global Classrooms team. For all that I have said before, I think this is a very good experience that I am very happy to have had the opportunity to experience, that is worth the effort that I have made with all my partners, my teachers and my assistant. I encourage everyone to participate in this program if they have the opportunity.

Thank you,”

(Matilde 3ºA)

Pozuelo de Alarcón, 18 de febrero de 2019

10 alumnos de 3ºESO representarán al centro en las conferencias de Global Classroom de Madrid en la que participan 100 institutos.
This past semester, our students in 3A and 3B took part in an innovative program: Global Classrooms. These 60 students represented 30 different countries in the United Nations to resolve issues with Juvenile Crime worldwide. Conducting independent research, they became experts on their own countries, practiced public speaking, and created original ideas regarding the issue. This curriculum ended in a school-wide conference in the Escuela de Musica de Pozuelo.
Moving forward, 10 of these students will represent Gerardo Diego at a city-wide conference in Madrid on January 24th. They compete with over a hundred other schools to resolve issues in juvenile crime. David, Amaya, Carmen, Calvin, Sofia, Matilde, Blanca, Andres, Maura, and Patricia will represent the United States, Mexico, Turkey, Greece, and Pakistan. We are very excited to see our students take advantage of such a wonderful opportunity to participate and develop their voices.

Congratulations to the Global Classroom performance.

 Pozuelo de Alarcón, December 11th, 2018

Bilingual Festival 2018

Some pictures to remember the Festival

And some videos to live it again...

A video to bid farewell to the course 2016/17

Bilingual Festival 2017

Pozuelo de Alarcón, 30 de mayo de 2017